Friday, June 10, 2011

A MUST read {For all my ladies}

Let me be honest..I'm not a big book reader. There's something about getting lost in a book that I don't like. That being, I'm a bit of an extremist and I tend to take things too far ( I'm just being honest). You present me with a fictional character and I will psychoanalyze the author about WHY they did this..or WHY they did that- I want to sit down a FICTIONAL character and discuss their FICTIONAL life issues with them. It's a little-no- a lot extreme, but dammit it's the truth!

One book that I can't for the LIFE of me get tired of is Gifts from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh. It makes me think..clearly. It makes me realize that I'm not the only woman in America who feels pressure, a book which makes sense of the circus act we women do in our every day lives. We're tough and we work hard to balance everything that pulls at us everyday, let's give ourselves some credit!

If you haven't read this book then run to your nearest bookstore and get it immediately. No matter what situation you're in, where you are in your life, you'll appreciate what it has to offer. That's the best way I can describe it.

Happy Friday my lovely ladies! :)


  1. I have been on the hunt for a good read and this sounds like a perfect choice! Happy weekend!

  2. Yaaay! I've been dying for someone to recommend a really great book!! and it just so happens I'm off to the bookstore today!! Can't wait to get lost in this!!

    Have a great weekend! ;)

  3. This sounds like a great book! I'm definitely adding it to my summer reading list!

    A Little Bit of This & That

  4. hmm sounds interesting! one of my favorite things is to get lost in a good book :)

  5. Interesting. Have a good weekend! I hope you have the extra day off on Monday as we do here.

  6. I might want to read it just to get a woman's perspective.

  7. You got me very curious! I'm adding it to my list.

  8. I just peeked in here this morning & am leaving with a a book title to add to my summer reading list! & I scrolled down a bit & really like the wrap watch your husband gave you! Nice!


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